We check, pack and supply roses


A certificate is a statement from an authority on business processes, environmental and social responsibility and sustainability. The consumer demand for sustainable products is growing continuously and the buyers are more and more interested in being presented an overview of certifications of the growers. Below you will find an overview per grower:


Grower MPS nr MPS-ABC MPS-SQ KFC Global GAP FSI compliant
Timaflor 803821 x x x 4050373928810 x
Altima 803821 x x x 4050373928810 x
Mlima 803821 x x x 4050373928810 x
Lolomarik 804034 x x x 4050373928810 x
Ol-Njorowa 801173 x x 4052852289757 x
Mt. Kenya flowers 804419 x 4052852293808 x
Rift Valley Roses x 4059883544534 x
Kisima 803904 x x 4059883340822 x
Lobelia 804272 x
Alani 911606 x
X = certificate is available


If you wish to view (one of) the certificates per grower, you can do so via the link of the logo behind the grower’s name:

Timaflor Ol-Njorowa Lobelia
Altima Rift Valley Roses Alani
Mlima Kisima
Lolomarik Mount Kenya flowers


  • MPS A (More Profitable Sustainability) :
    highest environmental requirements
    view on sustainability in the ornamental cultivation chain at: www.folowyourflowerorplant.com
  • MPS SQ:
    good social working conditions
  • KFC (Kenya Flower Council):
    environmental requirements, sustainability, social accountability, hygiene  health and safety
    for more information see: www.kenyaflowercouncil.org
    compliance with retail demands
    for more information see: www.ecas.nl
  • FSI2025 (Floriculture Sustainability Initiative)
    95% of Fresco growers are KFC (Kenya Flower Council) and/or MPS certified, which meets the FSI ambition.Besides that, we are working on more sustainability practices, for example reduce cardboard by 90% at the beginning of 2019, we are currently working on solutions for plastic consumption (flower foil and a multi use flowerbox of 100% recycled plastics).

we check, pack and supply roses

Tel: +31 (0)297 368 066